How to smoke and smoke properly: Smoker etiquette

Even today's ubiquitous health promotion activities cannot reduce the number of smokers. But most of them did not realize that they did not smoke in accordance with the regulations, thus hurting themselves. Improper smoking is more harmful to the body.

How to properly load cigarettes

What difficulties seem to cause smoking?

Just smoke a cigarette, light it, hold it to your lips, and inhale. But in fact, everything is a bit complicated, and some rules and characteristics should be considered during the smoking process. If you follow them, you can slightly reduce the damage to your body. In this article, you will learn how to hold and smoke properly.

  1. What should I do first?

    People who smoke for a long time will experience a simple exercise. Before lighting the cigarette, they either hit the package with the palm of their hand or gently hit it on the table to shake the contents. When they take it out of the package, they perform the same action on the cigarette. From the outside, it may look like some kind of mandatory ritual or some kind of neurotic habit. However, if you ask a smoker why he does this, you will find that he weakens and loosens the tobacco in this way. The result of this operation is that cigarettes are easier to smoke, take longer and are not as strong.

    The next step is to figure out how to hold the cigarette correctly. To do this, you need to squeeze it with two fingers. It is best to sandwich the index in the middle. Next, put down the cigarette.

    As we all know, most male smokers prefer to pinch cigarettes with their index fingers and thumbs to hide the smoking goby from others.

    To hide bad habits, you need to hold the cigarette in the same way, but at the same time bend your fingers towards your palm. Therefore, you can reduce the number of cigarettes in your hand.

    Now let's light a cigarette. This can be done using matches or lighters. The cigarette should be held between the lips and the fire should be brought to the other side. At this point, you need to start pumping air out of it. Just like drinking some liquid through a straw, these actions are somewhat similar to each other. When you catch a fire, wait until the cigarette starts to burn on its own. Don't wait for it, it will only go out, which is why it is necessary to give it a chance to set fire. The smoldering process of the cigarette should be uniform.

  2. Common ways of smoking

    How to smoke and smoke properly? There are many different methods. We will share with you products that are used more often than others.

    The main way of smoking
    1. First, you must: hold a cigarette between your lips. Grab it with your fingers, catch fire and inhale smoke. You should not be too harsh or you will cough violently.
    2. To experience the taste of tobacco, you need to hold the smoke in your mouth for a few seconds to cool it down.
    3. Then the smoke must be exhaled from the mouth. It should be done with slightly compressed lips as in a kiss.
    4. The entire smoking process should continue until the distance from the filter to the smoldering tobacco reaches half a centimeter.
    5. Don't forget to get rid of the ashes. This should be done after every second or third puff. You should hold the cigarette with your thumb and middle finger, and knock it to a more smoldering edge with your index finger to remove soot.

    French smokers are also common among smokers. The reason is that after inhaling, the smoke is exhaled through the mouth and then must be inhaled through the nose again.

    In addition, there is a known method, the difference is that the smoke is exhaled through the nose. For example, it happens that a person does not smoke and actually exhales the smoke immediately without inhaling it into the lungs or keeping it in the mouth. Therefore, it hardly reaches the lungs.

    If you fall into bad habits, especially the trap of smoking, you need to learn not only the rules of the process itself, but also the rules of behavior that you want to smoke.

    A person who wants to know how to start smoking is obviously clumsy in the process. In order to get a beautiful appearance, you need to maintain a steady movement when pulling, without coughing.

  3. What is smoking etiquette? What is it like?

    You already know how to smoke properly and how to smoke properly, but this is not enough. It is also important to understand the informal etiquette of smokers.

    Smoker etiquette

    It contains the following rules:

    1. If you have finished smoking, you must put it out completely.
    2. Before lighting a cigarette in a party or in another person’s car, obtain permission from the property owner or driver.
    3. People think smoking while walking is an extremely bad manner. For men, this is acceptable.
    4. Usually not used to smoking on the teeth, blowing in front of the interlocutor or surrounded by others.
    5. If you haven't finished smoking, put the cigarette in the ashtray, and the cigarette is extinguished again, do not light it again.
    6. When smoking indoors, do not shake the soot on the floor. For this, you need to use an ashtray.
    7. If a woman decides to smoke in the presence of a representative of the opposite sex, then the man must bring light to the cigarette.
    8. If someone wants you to smoke from your cigarettes, you should know that it is against etiquette and you can only do so in extreme circumstances.
  4. What do you need to know about smoking?

    1. Do not smoke in areas with flammable substances.
    2. Smoking on an empty stomach can cause nausea.
    3. Smoking can cause pregnancy loss.
    4. Nicotine can cause ulcers, the onset and aggravation of enterocolitis, and the development of other problems in the digestive tract.
    5. Nicotine poisoning in smoke often affects the lungs, larynx, esophagus and other organs, leading to cancer.
    6. Secondhand smoke is as harmful to health as active smoking, especially for people with asthma and heart disease.
    7. The reproductive function of men and women directly depends on smoking.
    8. Do not smoke in the bed, because a smoking cigarette will catch fire on the fabric.
    9. Beginners may experience symptoms of nicotine poisoning. The symptoms will not manifest as nausea, dizziness and vomiting until the moment the body gets used to bad habits.
  5. Conclusion

    In this article, we have studied in detail how to put cigarettes and how to smoke. Whether to indulge in this bad habit-decide for yourself. Before you start smoking, you should be aware of all the health consequences and harm to your body that smoking may cause to you and your loved ones.